Make money on the internet is quite uneasy if you dont have any virtual account such as Paypal. Paypal has the same function as your money account but it's provided virtually so that you dont need to expose your credit card number while the transaction happened (seems this topic quite serious) lol.. PayPal has a lot of function such as making payment, shopping online, or if you have online shops it can be used for making billing transaction between your company and your customer. Not only that, this virtual account is very secure and it can received funds from any credit card everywhere.
if you dont have Paypal account yet, lets start by clicking this banner!
- click SIGN UP TODAY!
- if you are beginner, i suggest you to choose Personal account (can be upgraded to another premier/business for free later). then click GET STARTED button
- fill all the blank forms (be sure to insert your real identity). click I AGREE, CREATE MY ACCOUNT*) fill the phone number with this format:COUNTRY CODE - AREA CODE - PHONE NUMBER e.g. for Victoria, Australia: 61-3-04256954
- check your email inbox, you'll receive notification from Paypal. click on the link URL inside the mail to verify your email account. (your email now become Paypal ID)
- Finished for email verification! but your Paypal account status is still 'unverified' now.
to make it 'verified', submit your valid credit card information. The purpose is just to make sure that you're 18+ and the owner of that credit card. If you agree, Paypal will charge your credit card for $1.95 to your credit card monthly billing. And you have to waiting for expuse number that will be published by email. now, put the expuse number to the verification next step on PayPal. Finally, your paypal is 'verified' now and you have $1.95 in PayPal balance! if you dont have credit card yet, dont worry.. you can buy VCC (Virtual Credit Card) on the VCC webstore. The price is about $6.5 - $10 each (the step quite same as using credit card). Anyway, it's okay if its still unverified. The problem is just limitation using the account features.
this is my account as example..
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