Jan 15, 2009

You Need a Budget (YNAB) Pro Software. Shall We Need?

Budgeting is common way to utilize our money for the next term of uses. The budget itself comes from our income since our working hard day by day. If we do not utilize to spend it or to save it, we will face the terrible situation when we get unexpected expenses like hospital expenses or any accidental expenses. To help us to do that (budgeting), there is You Need a Budget (YNAB)Pro software.

YNAB Pro is a spesific personal budget program which is available in Windows application and the spreadsheet is customizable in both Excel and Open Office. YNAB Pro is stand alone software (not integrated with Microsoft Money or even Quicken). It was created special for budgeting and handle it better than any all-in-one finance software.

The YNAB methodology uses four rules of cash flow management, which are:
  1. Stop living paycheck to paycheck (have use the buffer)
  2. Give every dollar a job (all dollar way down to zero)
  3. Prepare for Rain
  4. Roll with the punches (overaging accross next month's budget)
This budget sofware has good layout, unique screen direction, and it is helpful. Those means that YNAB Pro had designed very professional. In addition, YNAB Pro is the answer to manage or to maintain our accounts in case budgeting and it guides us to get more excellence.

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